"Now I can act as my own financial advisor. Had I not known about Debt Analyzer, I would have spent years and thousands of dollars trying to pay off debts."
-- Stephen

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  1. The default values for the margins now use the Decimal Separator character instead of always using a period.
  2. The program no longer crashes if the margins contain a period when the Decimal Separator is a comma.
  3. The directory containing the Debts4.dat file is now created if it did not already exist.
  4. Fixed a problem that occurred on some computers where reports were printed on the wrong printer.
  5. The program now works on computers that do not have a Common Documents folder.
  6. You can now use the program when there is not a printer defined in Windows.
  7. The program no longer crashes if the Minimum Payment field is empty.

Revision history for previous versions
    version 4.0
    version 3.5
    version 3.0f
    version 3.0e
    version 3.0d
    version 3.0c
    version 3.0b
    version 3.0a
    version 3.0

Revision history for current version
    Current version